Our thought leadership in blogs and podcasts

  • March 5-9 is Telework Week 2012 in the US, so we thought we'd share some insights about it from the folks at the Telework Exchange who are, along with Cisco, behind the concept.
  • March 5-9 is Telework Week 2012 in the US, so we thought we'd share some insights about it from the folks at the Telework Exchange who are, along with Cisco, behind the concept.
  • Whether or not technology works often depends on the tenuous relationship between end users and their IT department. And when priorities are misaligned, things can get very ugly indeed.
  • How do you train new team members? One effective method is to to take the tasks necessary for job or project success, make it available in small chunks and teach people how to access that knowledge on demand.
  • We talk a lot about collaboration software and all the problems we have with it. But what about the other side of the story? What are the people who sell this stuff thinking?
  • There's one skill a team leader needs in today's virtual, online world that is absolutely critical - and has been since time immemorial. That's the ability to listen effectively.
  • Wouldn't it be cool if there was some magical way to keep people accountable for their action items, give feedback, get new team members up to speed and spread your ideas across the organization? Turns out, there is.
  • We all understand the need to keep in touch and share as much information in as many ways as possible. Yet we often resist or ignore the technology that allows us to do exactly that. What gives?